About Me

Carrin writes because she has to let all the stories out somehow!

Carrin grew up on the east side of St. Paul, Minnesota in a house where there was always an open book to be found on most flat surfaces. She taught English and Physical Education in Michigan (near the thumb for those of you who know and love Michigan) until the lakes of Minnesota called her home.

She has a Master’s Degree in Theology, which makes perfect sense for someone who wants to write romance novels and cozy mysteries. When she’s not writing she’s reading, hanging out with family and friends, walking, kayaking, spending time with Chapter Chat (aka the best book club in the world) or going on adventures with her granddaughter Zoey. Her children are grown and living their own adventures, which when referred to as ‘abandoning their mother’ makes them roll their eyes.

Speaking of adventures, she and her daughters lead a women’s adventure program called Minnesota Women in the Wild, where they hike, kayak, dog sled, sail, dragon boat, and encourage women to get outside and try new things.

She has one wonderful husband, (because that seems about the proper amount) four kids, two grandchildren she adores, and one dopey dog.